Bristot selects from the best coffee origins to offer its customers the stunning quality of true Italian espresso, perfect for a variety of different tastes and needs. Let yourselves be swept away by the aromas with every sip you take!
Bristot selects from the best coffee origins to offer its customers the stunning quality of true Italian espresso, perfect for a variety of different tastes and needs. Let yourselves be swept away by the aromas with every sip you take!
Секоја шоља кафе на caffe Vescovi потекнува од приказна која започна во Падова 1927 година, кога младиот Gino Vescovi живееше за остварување на неговиот сон, да создаде совршена мешавина на еспресо кафе. Со сето негово искуство и знаење, создаден е блендот Vescovi 100% Arabica кој е нагарден со златен медал на кафе саемот во Лондон во 1933 година. Неговата визија и страст живее и денес и на нашите клиенти им нудиме можност да уживаат во супериорниот квалитет на caffe Vescovi.
Bean To Cup
Bristot Bean to Cup is a very well balanced blend of Arabica coffee beans and robusta, which guarantees an intense espresso with a perfect crema. For energetic mornings, Bristot offers you aromatic coffee, with the taste of chocolate and hazelnuts.
Arabica beans and selected Robusta varieties feature in this blend, which has a particularly rich body and complex, intense aroma.
Rainforest 100% Arabica
Bristot Rainforest 100% Arabica е луксузно високо-квалитетно кафе со богато и полно тело со неодлива арома на свежо цвеќе, цитрон и траги на ванила. Вистинско италијанско еспресо со овошен вкус и чоколаден after-taste.
Потекло: Rainforest Alliance Certified™Plantations.
100% Arabica Rainforest e совршена рамнотежа на природата. Зрната на кафе потекнуваат исклучиво од плантажите во Јужна и Средна Америка кои поседуваат Сертификат од Rainforest Alliance. Rainforest Alliance е глобална непрофитабилна организација чија основна цел е почитување на правата на работниците и заштита на природните ресурси на планетата Земја.
Bristot Tiziano is an espresso coffee of superior quality and refined aromatic taste. A surprisingly well-balanced blend that features a refined and intense aroma with a full body, fruity notes and a chocolate after-taste. Origin of the beans: Brazilian and Central American Grand Cru Arabica, enriched with Indian Robusta from the Parchment region.
Sublime 100% Arabica
Bio 100% Organic coffee
A blend that suits those who want to adopt a healthier and more natural lifestyle. Organic cultivation guarantees consumers a high-quality product, something reflected by its extraordinary organoleptic properties. These develop naturally - as they did in the past - in the shadow of lush forests, which create an ideal habitat for plants and wild animals and make a vital, natural contribution to keeping the ecosystem alive. A unique and unmistakeable aromatic flavour, it draws inspiration from an ancient world, from the earth and from natural goodness of its fruits.
Tiziano 1919 Riserva
The Excellence of coffee takes its origin from the plant. The green beans quality and biological composition are influenced by many factors: altitude, climate, soil fertility, along with the processing methods of cultivation, and picking. As a result, they selected the best possible bean from each origin which forwarded them the opportunity to recreate the prestigious ancient blend first developed by the great man himself “Domenico Bristot”. Tiziano 1919 Domenico Bristot Reserve features an innovative packaging method, which adds to the overall excellence; hence, creating an exclusive coffee, unrivalled with limited production. As soon as the blend is roasted, it’s immediately packed into the 2kg tin in a protective atmosphere. This process allows, through months of seasoning, the volatile aromas to improve the progress of their development. As the oils get richer, in smell and fragrances, the same characteristics can be found later in the cup. The result is an Espresso surprisingly rich and balanced, full bodied, with excellent acidity, hints of dark cocoa and citrus.
Classico Intenso
Bristot Classico Intenso is a well-balanced blend of Arabica and Robusta coffee beans, which guarantees an intense espresso with perfect crema. It is an aromatic coffee, with the taste of chocolate and hazelnuts.
Premium Vending
Bristot Premium Vending is a delicate blend of Arabica and Robusta coffee beans. It is a coffee with aroma of hazelnut, toasted bread and caramel, with soft acidity and chocolate after-taste.
Deorsola Gran Lusso 1000 gr. beans
Cioccobon Black Tin 1000gr
Preparation: Mix 25g of powder with 100/120 ml of milk. Stir and bring to boil at low temperature. Serve hot or warm, increasing or decreasing dosage according to taste. Ingredients: sugar, corn starch, low-fat cocao powder, flavourings, salt. The product does not contain GMOs and is not derived from raw materials containing or deriving from GMOs. Store in a cool dry place at room temperature (18-25°C). May contain traces of gluten.
Cioccobon White Tin 1000gr
Preparation: Mix 25g of powder with 100/120 ml of milk. Stir and bring to boil at low temperature. Serve hot or warm, increasing or decreasing dosage according to taste. Ingredients: sugar, corn starch, cocoa butter in powder, skimmed milk powder, thickener: E412, stabiliser: E450, antioxidants: E304, E307; flavourings, vanillin, salt, colouring: E101. The product does not contain GMOs and is not derived from raw materials containing or deriving from GMOs. Store in a cool dry place at room temperature (18-25°C). Contains milk; may contain traces of gluten.
Alta Mogiana is one of the most traditional coffee regions in Brazil, and it is known worldwide for producing an excellent quality of coffee, unique in its sweetness and balance between its body and acidity. It is a coffee with a good body that offers hints of hazelnut and chocolate with a pleasant and delicate acidity.
Situated at around 1900 meters above sea level between savannah and lake, the rich volcanic soil of the Sidamo region is ideal for growing coffee. This coffee is hand picked and is processed in a traditional wet process and is then dried on tables with a mesh bottom. It is a coffee with a rich and full body, characterized by an intense floral aroma of jasmine with scents of lemon, bergamot and hints of spices.
Bristot Columbia
The Huila region is an area in Colombia at high altitude, and the volcanic soil and several microclimates, contribute to the cultivation of high-quality coffee. It is a mildly acidic coffee with juicy flavors similar to red berries combination with caramel after-taste.
5 Stars 1000 gr
100% Arabica 1000 gr
Organic Coffee 1000 gr
100% Arabica 250 gr
Espresso Intenso 250 gr
Бавното печење на зрната кафе на овој бленд ги нагласува мирисите на најквалитетната бразилска арабика од Alta Mogiana и индиската арабика, а допирот со 10% индиска робуста од регионот Parchment му дава на кафето ароматични ноти и овозможува да уживате во вистинско италијанско еспресо
Moka Crema 250 gr